8 Reasons for an outsourced sales manager

Most small businesses don’t have the bandwidth to have a fully realized vertical sales structure. The solution is an outsourced sales management program.

1.       Owners hate sales management:      Unless they have a sales and sales management background, most owners do not enjoy managing the sales process and the sales team.  What it takes to get business and what it takes to manage business are often very different so most owners can’t do both.  And what we dislike doing more often than not, doesn’t get done.

2.       Promoting sales personnel does not always work:       Selling and managing sales is two different concepts with two different skill sets.  Your best salespeople are probably naturals and would have difficulty coaching others.  Not to mention, you lose the sales growth brought in by the individual promoted.

3.       Selling sales managers under perform:          Many companies try to give management duties to a salesperson already on quota.  The results are often poor as the individual has no specialty.  Their investment of time is scattered and there is an extreme lack of focus on a goal.

4.       Accountability:         A little bit of management goes a long way. Having a sales manager focused on the sales team improves coaching, accountability and leads to increased sales.

5.       Process:       Many companies do not already have a proven and repeatable sales process and coaches the sales team.  Sales Managers create this process.

6.       Growth:       Everybody sells.  Every position in a company has an impact on the company’s ability to sell more.  Sales management coaches all roles on their role in the sales process, igniting company growth.

7.       Who’s running sales?:           Without sales management, the inmates are running the asylum.  Some business owners feel they are held hostage by the sales team.  Sales management aligns the sales team with the company objectives and ensures new business is in the best interest of the company and not just the salesperson.

8.       Cost:            More than likely organizations know or are discovering they need sales management but absorbing the cost of a quality sales manager is not always economically feasible.  A poor sales manager can hurt sales more than it can help.  Outsourced sales management can achieve the positive growth impact desired by a sales management program at a fifth of the cost.


Don’t Bob Ross it, he’s not a Sales Manager